Sunday 20 April 2008

Gays cause climate change

The evidence is irrefutable.

In November 2005 Maurice Mills, a councillor for the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland, blamed the gay community for Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans. He said "The media failed to report that the hurricane occurred just two days prior to the annual homosexual festival, which the previous year had attracted an estimated 125,000 people."

The Rt. Rev Graham Dow, the Bishop of Carlisle, claimed that floods that caused chaos and death in 2007 across the UK were caused by God after he was provoked by the introduction of gay equality via the Goods and Services Act.

Shlomo Benizri, who is a member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party, was speaking in Israel’s Knesset (parliament) debate on earthquake preparedness. After reading passages from the Old Testament, he said that in his view one cause of earthquakes is that "the Knesset gives legitimacy to sodomy.A cost-effective way of averting earthquake damage would be to stop passing legislation on how to encourage homosexual activity in the State of Israel, which causes earthquakes."

Of course, it’s possible that they are all bonkers. On the other hand, this gives another slant to “did the Earth move for you?” and raises questions about why they are having earthquakes in Lincolnshire.

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