Saturday 17 March 2007

Notes and Queeries

A first-ever museum display, "Against Nature?", which opened in January at the University of Oslo's Natural History Museum in Norway, presents 51 species of animals exhibiting homosexuality. Homosexuality has been noted in over 1500 species, says the exhibition coordinator. E.g. giraffes show more same-sex than heterosexual activity and most dolphins are bisexual - he’s not called “Flipper” for nothing.

A BBC radio programme promoting safer sex mentioned getting free condoms, which would be given away on “a first come, first served principle.”

Swiss operatic tenor Hugues Cuenod was singing well into his eighties. He made his debut at the New York Met aged 85. Now 104, he is looking forward to his civil partnership ceremony now that Switzerland has passed laws recognising same-sex relationships.

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