Monday 8 January 2007

God wants to know

God would like to thank you for your belief and patronage. In order better to serve your needs he asks that you take a few moments to answer the following questions.

How did you first find out about God?
xxxxxxNewspaper xxxxxxxxxxTelevision
xxxxxxWord of mouth xxxxxxxMail shot
xxxxxxDivine inspiration xxxxxGoogle
xxxxxxFly posting xxxxxxxxxxOther

Are you currently using any other sources of inspiration or guidance in addition to God?
Please tick all that apply
xxxxxxNone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTarot
xxxxxxBio-rhythms xxxxxxxxxSex
xxxxxxInsurance policies xxxxxAlcohol
xxxxxxFortune cookies xxxxxxxLottery
xxxxxxHoroscopes xxxxxxxxxxTelevision
xxxxxxThe Atkins diet xxxxxxxOther

God generally employs a limited amount of divine intervention to keep a balanced level of
felt presence and blind faith. Would you prefer
(tick one only)

A) More Divine Intervention
B) Less Divine Intervention
C) Current level is just right
D) Don’t know

God also attempts to maintain a fairly balanced level of disasters and miracles while still moving in a mysterious way. Please rate on a 1 to 5 scale God’s handling
of the following:

Disasters xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMiracles
(Flood, famine, war, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(Recovery from
Rupert Murdoch) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdisease, heroic
1. Unsatisfactory xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1. Unsatisfactory
2. Poor xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2. Poor
3. Average xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3. Average
4. Good xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4. Good
5. Excellent xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5. Excellent

5. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for improving the quality of God’s services?

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